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Carrera Slotcar

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VW T3 Syncro Feuerwehr Münster 1987 KK-Scale 1:18 Metallmodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)
1 x VW T3 Syncro Feuerwehr Münster 1987 KK-Scale 1:18 Metallmodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)


Lada 2105 VFTS, No.159, 1000 Lakes Rallye, E.Tumalevicius/P.Videika, 1987 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen Availability unknown
1 x Lada 2105 VFTS, No.159, 1000 Lakes Rallye, E.Tumalevicius/P.Videika, 1987 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen Availability unknown ****


Tatra 613, dark red 1979  Triple9 1:18 (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)
1 x Tatra 613, dark red 1979 Triple9 1:18 (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)


Porsche 934 RSR schwarz Schuco Metallmodell 1:18
1 x Porsche 934 RSR schwarz Schuco Metallmodell 1:18


ASTON MARTIN VALKYRIE 2021 ASTON MARTIN RACING GREEN GT Spirit 1:18 Resinemodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)
1 x ASTON MARTIN VALKYRIE 2021 ASTON MARTIN RACING GREEN GT Spirit 1:18 Resinemodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)


Sunbeam Supreme MKIII white / maroon 1954 Cult Scale Models 1:18 Resinemodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)
1 x Sunbeam Supreme MKIII white / maroon 1954 Cult Scale Models 1:18 Resinemodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)


Products marked with **** are novelties and are not yet available!
You can preorder these products and we will inform you by eMail as soon as they are available! Payment of preorderd products is due on availability.
Available products will be shipped immediately. The additional postage is on the buyer´s account!
The indicated delivery dates are the availability dates from the manufacturer and are to be understood without any engagement!