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Carrera Slotcar

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Porsche 924 Carrera GT, schwarz, 1981 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen
1 x Porsche 924 Carrera GT, schwarz, 1981 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen


BMW E46 M3 2000 Phoenix gelb/yellow S1806501 Solido 1:18 Metallmodell
1 x BMW E46 M3 2000 Phoenix gelb/yellow S1806501 Solido 1:18 Metallmodell


Ferrari 499P Modificata Looksmart 1:18  Availability unknown (not before Q3 2024)
1 x Ferrari 499P Modificata Looksmart 1:18 Availability unknown (not before Q3 2024) ****


Race Day 1 - Figur III American Diorama 1:18 (Auto nicht enthalten!)
1 x Race Day 1 - Figur III American Diorama 1:18 (Auto nicht enthalten!)


Ford Granada MK II 2.8 Injection, dunkelgrün, 1981 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen
1 x Ford Granada MK II 2.8 Injection, dunkelgrün, 1981 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen


Ford Escort MK I RS 2000, weiss/blau, 1973 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen
1 x Ford Escort MK I RS 2000, weiss/blau, 1973 MCG 1:18 Metallmodell, Türen und Hauben nicht zu öffnen


Porsche 911 Carrera 3.0 RSR blue # Bobby Unser IROC 3rd Place Daytona 1974 WERK83 1:18
1 x Porsche 911 Carrera 3.0 RSR blue # Bobby Unser IROC 3rd Place Daytona 1974 WERK83 1:18


Products marked with **** are novelties and are not yet available!
You can preorder these products and we will inform you by eMail as soon as they are available! Payment of preorderd products is due on availability.
Available products will be shipped immediately. The additional postage is on the buyer´s account!
The indicated delivery dates are the availability dates from the manufacturer and are to be understood without any engagement!