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Carrera Slotcar

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Porsche 911 Carrera 2.7 RS (Gulf blue/black Stripes)   AUTOart 1:18  Availability unknown
1 x Porsche 911 Carrera 2.7 RS (Gulf blue/black Stripes) AUTOart 1:18 Availability unknown ****

Price yet unknown

Lotus Esprit Turbo Essex 1981  blaumetallic/silber/rot KK-Scale 1:18 Metallmodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)
1 x Lotus Esprit Turbo Essex 1981 blaumetallic/silber/rot KK-Scale 1:18 Metallmodell (Türen, Motorhaube... nicht zu öffnen!)


Products marked with **** are novelties and are not yet available!
You can preorder these products and we will inform you by eMail as soon as they are available! Payment of preorderd products is due on availability.
Available products will be shipped immediately. The additional postage is on the buyer´s account!
The indicated delivery dates are the availability dates from the manufacturer and are to be understood without any engagement!